Top 100 inventors since Leonardo DaVinci

From Inventopedia

* **Johannes Kepler** (1571–1630) - Laws of planetary motion.

* **Robert Hooke** (1635–1703) - Elasticity theory (Hooke's law).

* **Isaac Newton** (1643–1727) - Laws of motion, calculus.

* **John Harrison** (1693–1776) - Marine chronometer.

* **Benjamin Franklin** (1706–1790) - Lightning rod, bifocals.

* **James Hargreaves** (1720–1778) - Spinning jenny.

* **Richard Arkwright** (1732–1792) - Water frame spinning machine.

* **James Watt** (1736–1819) - Steam engine improvements.

* **Antoine Lavoisier** (1743–1794) - Modern chemistry.

* **Edmund Cartwright** (1743–1823) - Power loom.

* **Alessandro Volta** (1745–1827) - Electric battery.

* **Edward Jenner** (1749–1823) - Vaccination.

* **Eli Whitney** (1765–1825) - Cotton gin.

* **Michael Faraday** (1791–1867) - Electromagnetic induction.

* **Charles Babbage** (1791–1871) - Concept of a programmable computer.

* **Samuel Morse** (1791–1872) - Telegraph, Morse code.

* **William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)** (1824–1907) - Thermodynamics.

* **Louis Pasteur** (1822–1895) - Pasteurization, vaccines.

* **Gregor Mendel** (1822–1884) - Genetics.

* **Niklaus Otto** (1832–1891) - Internal combustion engine.

* **Gottlieb Daimler** (1834–1900) - High-speed petrol engine.

* **James Clerk Maxwell** (1831–1879) - Electromagnetic theory.

* **Karl Benz** (1844–1929) - Automobile.

* **Thomas Edison** (1847–1931) - Light bulb, phonograph, motion picture camera.

* **Alexander Graham Bell** (1847–1922) - Telephone.

* **Charles Goodyear** (1800–1860) - Vulcanized rubber.

* **Ferdinand von Zeppelin** (1838–1917) - Rigid airships (Zeppelin).

* **George Washington Carver** (1864–1943) - Crop rotation, peanut products.

* **Guglielmo Marconi** (1874–1937) - Radio.

* **Marie Curie** (1867–1934) - Radioactivity research.

* **Max Planck** (1858–1947) - Quantum theory.

* **Alexander Fleming** (1881–1955) - Penicillin.

* **Niels Bohr** (1885–1962) - Atomic structure, quantum mechanics.

* **Ernest Rutherford** (1871–1937) - Nuclear physics.

* **John Logie Baird** (1888–1946) - Television.

* **Edwin Hubble** (1889–1953) - Expanding universe theory.

* **James Chadwick** (1891–1974) - Neutron discovery.

* **Norbert Wiener** (1894–1964) - Cybernetics.

* **Otto Hahn** (1879–1968) - Nuclear fission.

* **Claude Shannon** (1916–2001) - Information theory.

* **John von Neumann** (1903–1957) - Computer architecture, game theory.

* **J. Robert Oppenheimer** (1904–1967) - Nuclear bomb.

* **Philo Farnsworth** (1906–1971) - Television.

* **Konrad Zuse** (1910–1995) - First programmable computer (Z3).

* **William Shockley** (1910–1989) - Transistor.

* **Grace Hopper** (1906–1992) - COBOL programming language.

* **Alan Turing** (1912–1954) - Computer science, artificial intelligence.

* **Robert Noyce** (1927–1990) - Integrated circuit.

* **Jack Kilby** (1923–2005) - Integrated circuit.

* **Hedy Lamarr** (1914–2000) - Frequency-hopping spread spectrum.

* **Leon Theremin** (1896–1993) - Electronic musical instrument (theremin).

* **John Bardeen** (1908–1991) - Transistor, superconductivity.

* **Hans Bethe** (1906–2005) - Nuclear fusion.

* **Richard Feynman** (1918–1988) - Quantum electrodynamics.

* **Frederick Sanger** (1918–2013) - DNA sequencing.

* **Arthur C. Clarke** (1917–2008) - Geostationary satellite.

* **Ralph Baer** (1922–2014) - Video games.

* **Douglas Engelbart** (1925–2013) - Computer mouse.

* **Paul Baran** (1926–2011) - Packet switching, early Internet development.

* **Gordon Moore** (1929–2023) - Moore's Law, semiconductors.

* **Stanley Cohen** (1935–2020) - Genetic engineering.

* **Herbert Boyer** (1936– ) - Genetic engineering.

* **Andrew Grove** (1936–2016) - Intel, semiconductors.

* **Masaru Ibuka** (1908–1997) - Sony, consumer electronics.

* **Akio Morita** (1921–1999) - Sony, consumer electronics.

* **Vinton Cerf** (1943– ) - Internet protocols (TCP/IP).

* **Masatoshi Shima** (1943– ) - Microprocessor.

* **Federico Faggin** (1941– ) - Microprocessor.

* **Steve Wozniak** (1950– ) - Personal computer.

* **Tim Berners-Lee** (1955– ) - World Wide Web.

* **Steve Jobs** (1955–2011) - Personal computer, smartphone.

* **Elon Musk** (1971– ) - Electric cars, space exploration.

* **Larry Page** (1973– ) - Internet search engine (Google).

* **Sergey Brin** (1973– ) - Internet search engine (Google).

* **Mark Zuckerberg** (1984– ) - Social networking (Facebook).

* **Craig Venter** (1946– ) - Human genome project.

* **Rosalind Franklin** (1920–1958) - DNA structure.

* **Rosalind Franklin** (1920–1958) - DNA structure.

* **Frederick Sanger** (1918–2013) - DNA sequencing.

* **Fritz Haber** (1868–1934) - Synthetic ammonia.

* **Carl Bosch** (1874–1940) - Synthetic ammonia.

* **Michael Faraday** (1791–1867) - Electromagnetic induction.

* **Charles Darwin** (1809–1882) - Evolution theory.